The Ten Best Celebrity Nose Jobs
When it comes to rhinoplasty, too much attention is given to celebrities whose surgeons shouldn't even be allowed a knife to butter toast, let alone use one to permanently alter someone's face. ?Michael Jackson, Lil' Kim, and Joan Rivers never miss roll-call when it comes to lists of the worst nose jobs ever. ?But which celebrities have the best nose jobs in the business?Jennifer Aniston
?Jennifer Aniston has had not one, but two rhinoplasty procedures. ?The first was to correct a deviated septum, and the second was to correct the first operation. ?Aniston is one of the few celebrities who is candid about getting cosmetic surgery, which is surprising since her nose jobs are much subtler than that of the more obvious surgery deniers. ?Hers is an example of ?good rhinoplasty because her nose still retains its unique character.?
Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson has never confirmed having any work done, but her before and after pictures show a clearly narrower bridge. Her plastic surgeon did well; the nostrils are untouched and there are no areas that look too flat, as though too much cartilage was scraped off--hallmarks of ?bad nose jobs. If it wasn't for the existence of?'before' pictures, you wouldn't she's had any work done on her face.
Matt Dillon
?Matt Dillon traded in his youthful upturned nose for a more adult look. ?From his 'before' and 'after' pictures you can see that he had the tip of his nose lengthened to look more masculine. ?All in all, his nose appears pretty natural, even if it's not the prettiest nose.
Ashlee Simpson
?Ashlee Simpson had the opposite problem of Matt Dillon. ?She transformed her hook nose into a more feminine (or at least the Hollywood version of feminine) ski slope.
Megan Fox
Megan Fox already had a perfectly perfect petite little nose before her rhinoplasty, but apparently she didn't like the teeny tiny?bump in the middle. ?Luckily her surgeon didn't scrape off too much cartilage or else there would be no nose left for Ms. Fox.
Cameron Diaz
Cameron Diaz has endured not one, not two, not three, but four broken noses in her life. ?Only until ?several years after her fourth accident did she decide to get her crooked nose straightened out, for health reasons.
Leona Lewis
Leona Lewis's bridge and nostrils were made narrower in the last few years. Many black female celebrities tend to go overboard with bridge reduction (Tyra Banks), but Leona Lewis's face looks well-balanced and natural. Her surgeon ?clearly knows that moderation is the key.
Alicia Keys
Alicia Keys's nose has been narrowed like Leona Lewis's. ?And like Leona Lewis, her face doesn't show the obvious signs of rhinoplasty.
Kate Winslet
Kate Winslet's appearance has changed little since her breakout role in Sense and Sensibility. ?The only featured that has been altered is her characteristic nose, which appears slimmer. The change is subtle enough that you wouldn't know she had rhinoplasty if you never saw her before Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Jennifer Grey
Jennifer Grey's inclusion on this list is controversial because her nose job is often blamed for the decline of her career. ?In the early 90s, the actress known for her roles in ?Ferris Bueller's?Day Off and Dirty Dancing had rhinoplasty to shorten the length of her nose and reduce the size of the tip. ?
From a surgical point of view, it's a good nose job. ?Perhaps too good, because when she came home from the hospital she was almost unrecognizable to family and friends. ?The drastic change in her appearance may have made producers and directors hesitant the cast the star, fearing audiences wouldn't recognize her either.
But can her fading star really be blamed on a new nose? ?Plenty of stars before her had only brief moments in the limelight before disappearing into obscurity. ?A nose job is a convenient scapegoat, but perhaps she had already peaked before getting plastic surgery.
Even if Jennifer does blame her nose for her career's nose dive, it hasn't stopped here from getting other procedures. ?Recent pictures show a taut face, cat-like eyes, and puffier lips--likely the product?of botox, face lifts, eye lifts, and lip injections.